Sunday, 7 June 2020

School is OUT for Summer!

19 July 2018|SCHOOL LIFE

That's it!!  All done...another school year completed. I have offically broken up!
The rhythm of my life told in Terms.
To all my wonderful teaching comrades who are still at the coal face of education ... Enjoy this time ... enjoy your children. Reflect and rejoice in how far they've come in the last 12 months, enjoy the colouring in and watching films. Sing and have a dance. The End of Term is a special time for everyone, kids and staff alike. We had a disco to Gloria Gaynor and Wham! today as way of a musical interlude :-)
And to all the Wonderful Parents out there who may be feeling a little daunted at the thought of six long weeks...don't be.  Enjoy lie in's and not having to do packed lunches, enjoy not having to find a PE kit and feeling bad that you haven't read or done spellings.  
Rest, relax, sleep, we are ALL exhausted!
Here's to a Summer of making dens out of blankets, painting, making slime, picnics in the park, sleep overs (preferably at other people's houses), go crazy with the loss of routine and throw rules out the window. Get bored...get really really bored....
So that in a few short weeks (that will be over before we know it) we will be ready for the comfort of a routine and the challenge of times tables. We will be ready for those shiney new shoes and slightly too big uniform...we need the room to grow.
The rhythm of life...lived in Terms.
Happy holidays folks...stay tuned for more Woollycraft happenings x

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