Sunday 7 June 2020

How do you measure Wellness?

I've been a bit unwell. It only lasted a few days but it was a proper splurgy gross unwell that can't been denied!  Since then I definitely feel like I'm getting over something, run down, tired, perhaps even a bit emotional at times.  All this has had me pondering...How do you know how Well you are? How do you measure Wellness?
Here's how I measure my Wellness....
When Tip top 100%  I am making and creating. I have great ideas about what I want to create and they work out. I motivated to get my kit out and start carding, spinning, weaving. I viewing the world through eyes looking for inspiration.  I am in the zone and in my flow.
When I'm not feeling great I struggle to be creative. When I try new things they don't work out or look ugly to me.  It feels like too much effort to drag all my kit out. This is a good time for comfort crafts. Knitting a simple stitch, something repetative and not demanding too much attention or thought. And if I'm not crafting at all....then that is BAD NEWS!!  I'm pretty much out of action if I'm not able to even pick up a hook or needle!
So I guess I measure my Wellness on my creative output!
At the moment I still feel like I'm getting over the bug and have just gone back to work. I'm lacking energy and enthusiasm for anything too complicated and don't feel like getting any equipment out, but I still want to make (a postive sign).  I've got some nice simple wrist warmers on my needles, a simple repetative pattern, four purls and four knits, but a new design so a bit more thought and planning is needed too. I guess I'm doing OK.
How do you measure your Wellness...drop me a line and let me know. Am I the only one that use knitting as a measuring device?!

I'm hoping I'm on an upward swing now as I have plans in the pipeline....but they can wait a little bit longer. Now it's ok to get back to my guilty pleasure of Netflix and knitting.
TTFN x x

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