Wednesday 22 April 2009

Rhythm and a permission....

Whether it's down to the insight gained from my counselling training or my age (more than 21.....a little bit less than 40!!), I don't know, but I am finally getting the hang of the rhythm's of life. Whether they be the cycles of the seasons or the lunar phases, everything has a rhythm and I'm finding it a lot easier to get on with life if I just Go With The Flow.

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, a number of reasons why, but a main one being nocturnal wanderings of a child. So in going with the flow I shan't be feverishly hoovering the living room and straightening the rugs (even though I have crafty ladies coming), I don't even think I'll bother putting any washing on.

No, today is about doing want HAS to be done and the rest of the time will be spent doing soothing activities like scouring some fleece, maybe a little dyeing. I might even (shock, gasp) watch a bit of tele and do some knitting (in the afternoon I hear you cry, thats just not done!)

Yes, sitting down in the afternoon, it is allowed (of course I have the luxury of not having to watch cbeebies to do it now)

Therefore, this post is an invitation and total permission to go and Have a little sit down if you want one!

Enjoy x

p.s I'm too tired to post pics so I'll take some of my soothing activites and post them during the Up Swing thats bound to follow soon.

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