Wednesday 8 April 2009

A Puzzle...

So, what do you do when the kids are in Kiddie Heaven (A.K.A Nana and Grandad's), doing what kids should be doing in the Easter Hols when its not raining, i.e running about in a gang of cousins, getting dirty and making lots of noise.

Well, I could slob about in a dressing gown and watch Daytime TV.............the novelty of that wore off after Homes Under the Hammer!

I could clean the house from top to bottom..................mmmmm, maybe not.

I could beetle over to Kiddie Heaven and get involved, sooth hurts and break up fights (spending the whole time thinking of all the stuff I could be doing at home!)......
No, there's only one logical answer really, when you have an unexpected day off you really should 'do that thing you've been meaning to for ages and never do because there's too much other stuff that needs doing' my case......

Cover a Cushion!

A close up of the detail.
I did grapple with my dusty sewing machine for about 5 minutes but as I was only getting frustrated I decided to hand sew this piece of material I bought for £5 a few years ago (with the intention of wearing it as a wrap around skirt but it didn't really hang right).
I re-discovered it recently as I'd put it in a bag for a clothes swap. I decided to keep hold of it and turn it into something....and now I have. We like soft furnishings in our house.
I suppose I had better tidy the sitting room now to display my handi work in!

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