Tuesday 28 April 2009

As every mother knows.......

......... its incredibly difficult to do ANYTHING with children around.

I had a child off school yesterday with a rather nasty cough. She managed to get past my cast iron defence against sicky days (I admit the lashing rain we woke up to helped her cause!).

Subsequently I spent pretty much the whole day mushing about not achieving anything (although we did watch Mamma Mia another couple of times, just to really get those songs embedded deep into our psyche!).

I was wondering why I didn't get on with anything productive/creative. We are out of the phase where just as you get into something someone trys to eat something they shouldn't, get stuck in the catflap or has a major poo emergency (well mostly!).

No, we have entered a new phase of 'interupting the flow' with those dreaded words

"Can I help!"

The words are a contradiction in themselves, they are very rarely helpful.

Of course it was with those immortal words that I have many of the skills I possess today (thanks mum!) , of which I am very grateful. With that said I generously step aside and let the kids have a go. Watching tentatively as they get the carder jammed and get very carried away with the spinning wheel. Luckly the short attention span meant it didn't last too long and they soon wandered off to make potions or terrorise some boys.

So with normality returned and everyone at school and work, (there was a brief attempt for a stay at home from the eldest, but I felt her excuse that Hedgehogs kept me awake all night was little weak),

I am off to Hand paint the 3 skeins of wool the children 'Helped' me card and spin!

Pics to follow shortly (promise).

Cheerio x

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