Tuesday 24 March 2009


I returned home from town this morning to find a cd from my brother of (what seems like) my entire childhood in photographic form.

Two things struck me whilst I went through them,

1). Almost everything we wore was knitted by mum,

2). We all looked so happy !

I wonder if the two are related.......

I feel all a bit wistful and a little emotional now, but I'll try to pull myself together.


I've bought myself a Staple Gun (or as a dear friend calls it a Shudunger!).

Part of the appeal of being a Primary School Teacher (I believe) is to be able to staple gun stuff to the wall, so I've decided I need some practice. Unfortunately I didn't get the staples to go with it (assumed it would come with some!) so my Shudunging will have to wait.

I've also bought from my favourite supplier http://www.forestfibres.co.uk/ some bamboo fibres for a spinning project I'm planning. Corridale fibres in raspberry and chocolate, some tencel tops and the bamboo, maybe a bit of alpaca as well. I'm hoping to make enough for some kind of garment, we'll see. On a sad note though I had to see an osteopath the other day who noticed I had one leg stronger than the other!! I've got to try to spin with my left leg also or I'll end up all lopsided! Incidently most of the folklore and stories of spinning in the past alude to the fact that spinning makes you ugly and lopsided, check out


I might have to save up for Double treadle kit!

The Mitred Square blanket is coming along. I stayed up too late last night sewing a few patches together. I then kept myself awake considering what to stitch it with, I was thinking maybe silk hankies?

and I have washed my Jungle wool. I have about 200g's of some quite chunky yet soft yarn, all I have to do now is decide what it wants to be.

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