Thursday 19 March 2009

Ah, my favourite time of the day!

The routine is set. With the kids all at school and the man out working I have the house (and the computor!) to myself.

This is the time when I usually eat my breakfast and look at photo's of yarn and wool and knitted things etc etc, while I mentally plan out the day.

Actually I do need to crack on. I'm finishing off a school project today. I spent last week making wet felt with a my daughters class of 9-11 yr olds and then today we will turn the felt into beautiful Mothering Sunday gifts. Now I need to get some examples together. I was meant to do it last night but I got distracted by a friend who wanted to discuss spinning wheels and wanted to admire my Ashford Joy (so aptly named!). Obviously I couldn't say no.

Its not much of a problem as I am "a person who leaves things to the last minute". An issue I am (nearly) always trying to correct.

Other things on the list of "Jobs to Do" include making bread, tidy up a bit, washing, bunny wrestling (they like it when they're out but do put up a fight!), do some work on my Art therapy portfolio and finally graft the toe on the Brother-in-Law socks.

Its a beautiful sunny day again so there is the danger I could blow it all and just spend the day spinning in the!

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