Wednesday 18 March 2009

Let the Blogging Commence

After much umming and ahing I've decided to enter into the world of the Blogger.

Part of the reason for this because I am so impressed with the blogs I read through Ravelry and Knitty, and I also felt a bit voyeristic for reading all those blogs and not contributing with my own.

The other reason is that I am on a massive creative drive and wanted to keep some kind of record of my progress.

So then, a bit about where I'm at. I am currently filling my non knitting/spinning time with running around after 3 girls, volunteering lots at the local primary school doing craft based activities and I'm doing a 15 week Art Therapy Course. This is all to fill in a bit of time before I have another career change and re-train as a Primary School Teacher in september.
This is what I'm currently amusing myself with at the moment. I apologise for the quality of the photo's, my resident photographer is at school!!

A bit of spinning. This is some wool tops with coloured thread purchased from Forest Fibres. I bought this as i knew I was going to be busy so I needed some ready to go. I've plyed it with some gold and silver thread for a bit of sparkle. I've given this to my mum so she can knit something lovely for my new neice.

We had some wonderful sunshine on Sat and I was meant to be doing some gardening, but I got a little distracted by some recently dyed wool and a bag of recycled Sari Silk, so I spent the day carding this up instead!

So there goes my first, and hopefully, not my last attempt to blog. I just hope that blogging doesn't take up so much time that I don't have enough time to do the things I want to blog about!!!

1 comment:

Faerynuff said...

I want to train as a primary school teacher too, but probably not until I am in my forties - I'd like another baby or two before then!

Your spinning is wonderful. My mum (picperfic on ravelry) spins and I hope to get a wheel for my birthday this year. I look forward to visiting your blog often and seeing your wonderful creations!

Ali (Faerynuff on knitty and ravelry)