Sunday 22 March 2009

Mothering Sunday...

It can all get a bit stressful sometimes can't it really......all that having to care for the carer!
I was rudely awoken at 6.15 by a little person that found it very difficult to sleep with a box of chocolates hidden under her bed. I managed to feign sleep for about another hour or so until the children could wait no longer to show their love and devotion in the shape of a cup of tea and homemade gifts (always the best!).

After breakfast my dutiful daughters indulged me with a bit of crafting on the lawn ( I think they almost enjoyed it, bless them). They did a bit of pompom making and wet felting.
I'm in a bit of a no-mans land with regards to knitting projects. I don't have any definate projects in the pipeline so decided to start making some of these with my left over bits of handspun (I hate waste!).

This is just something to tide me over until I can decide what to knit next. I've almost finished the Jungle wool and I want to finish it properly (i.e. set the twist and wash it etc) before I knit something with it. I'm thinking of a little jacket for my nephew maybe.
I'm quite taken with these mitred squares though, they are so quick and easy to knit. I hope I manage to do a few before I get bored and move onto something else.

So its been a really nice weekend. I visited my lovely sister and her family

and did a bit of baby jiggling. Its so lovely to be reminded of those early stages, it makes me very thankful that my girls are becoming a bit more independant and I'm recovering bits of my life I'd forgotten about. (Not so independant that they don't need a cuddle at 6.15 in the morning though!!)

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