Monday 10 January 2011

Dealing with a Disappointment....

Well, the assignment that got knitted into Geraldine's Thank you Citron didn't impress - yep....I failed it :0(

I'm sure its not the knitting (that was possibly the most impressive part) I think it was the words that let me down.

I don't know at this stage by how much I failed it, it may be a simple case of resubmitting at a lower grade. Its not the first time I failed something first time round, during my Counselling Training I was the ONLY ONE of the group to fail the exam!   The wise part of me is telling myself its ok, no-one learns much from things they get right first time round .....but in the meantime I still have to feel the pain of disappointment.

So, thank goodness for my spinning wheel.....

This is the beginnings of that Special Project I mentioned in an earlier post.

I'm soothing that pain with some beautiful Tussah silk, and reminding myself of everything I've learnt so far because if failure is an opportunity to learn then I am pretty bloody clever.....*little sigh*


ETA: Anyhow, who ever's been inspired by someone that finds things

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