Tuesday 7 September 2010

A Change of Plan

I got about a dozen rows into Lady Kina 2 with my latest handspun only to decide that it wasn't going to work. My wool was just a bit too bulky. So after a whole evening of trawling through Ravelry patterns I came up with Radiate . It ticks all the boxes of being simple, top down and seamless, so watch this space for progress.

As promised here's the finished Lady Kina .......

(I have touted this pic all over the web as I'm so proud of it, I did consider uploading a pic of me wearing it but I'm afraid I just can't do it.....I look ridiculous!!)

I just love this little top, its so lovely to wear. I'm considering making another one with the black alpaca fluff I have left.

I also picked up this little beauty in a charity shop at the weekend.....

an absolute bargain at £6.99.

I've noticed of late that my blog hasn't had many of my pearls of wisdom, (that may be because I haven't had any!) So here's someone elses.

Enjoy x

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