Tuesday 23 March 2010

Time Out........

With a number of deadlines met, felting with the WI, dressing in full Traditional Indian Sari to host our PTA Curry & Quiz night and handing the dreaded essay, I have come down with a Lurgy.

It was bound to happen really, you keep going, keep going, keep going, then bang......the virus gets you. As I am presently waiting (very patiently I might add!) for some special fibres from Picperfic I decided what better way to take care of myself than to wrap myself in a blanket with a cup of Hot Lemon & Honey (with a splash of whiskey for medicinal purposes) and practice my fine spinning.

Here I just carded handfulls of alpaca and then spun it as fine as I could, I'm really happy with it and its so beautifully soft.

I've also finished the Crazy Batt Shrug and now I'm making a scarf to go with my hat and gloves (it had to be done really!).

and finally....Hey Teach might get its first outing tomorrow, lets hope its worth the wait!!

Thanks for dropping by,

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