The last few weeks have been mental. I have been metaphorically dragging my sorry self over hot coals in the form of 2500 words on How Children Learn, (conclusion being quite often in spite of us not because of us!)
I'm sure the older I get each essay gets harder and more painful to write, which begs the question why at the wrong end of 30 am I still doing it? (still not come up with an answer for that one).
So what happens to creative drive when the brain is being frazzled by having to do something its not use to? Well.........
I'm still very much in love with my crazy batt yarn. Of the serveral balls I've spun I've made Gloves, two hats, a flower and an almost finished Shrug (pics of that to follow).
I've found myself wanting to make small easy things for instant gratification but as the sun has come out I no longer want to knit socks and gloves, so for the time being I'm back to making flowers and purses. Its nice to have a little stock of things I could use at a fair or something.
BUT, the next big project is brewing. As a treat for not having a complete Teacher Training Breakdown I've ordered some special fibres. Something to definately look forward to :-)
I'll leave you with some lovely felt made during one of my workshops, this time by Sherston's WI where we had a great day weaving and making felt.
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