Thursday 19 May 2011

Summer Flu and Job Hunting...

I've been ill....

I thought it was the type of 'ill' where I diligently listen to my body, take to my bed and sleep it off.  I knew it was this type of 'ill' as I wasn't even able to watch tele with my knitting and a sniffle  :0(

Of course, I fully expected to bounce back in about 2 days but no a week and a half later and its lingering....
.... on the up side I can knit and read, but I'm still croaky, snotty and lethargic.....none of which is particularly assisting me in my Hunt for a Job (who wants to employ someone with a snotty nose?).  In fact the stress and worry is probably making it worse!

The competion for teaching jobs is very high at the moment, almost to the point that visits to prospective schools (to see how we might fit into the school's family) are becoming like reunions with often the same faces popping up.  With about 100 people applying for one teaching post I can sometimes get a little panicky.  My skills at filling out application forms and writing personal statements, my key to getting a look-in, are woefully poor, how will I ever stand out!?

But then last night I had a realisation. I am a square peg that isn't going to fit in a round hole!!  There is no point getting stressed and upset at NOT getting a job in a school that I don't fit into and don't really want to work in.  So, I just need to chill out a bit, enjoy the sun and remember there is definately a Clare shaped job out there in a school that's right for me, I'll know it when I see it.

I did rally enough over the weekend to thoroughly enjoy a lovely Hen Day with my mum and sisters. I was even able to fit in a bit of knitting for the Bride to be.....


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