Tuesday 23 February 2010

Sometime's you just need to shut up and listen .... *

I was so sure my beautiful new yarn wanted to be a lovely snuggly wrap, so a searched through patterns and consulted 'those in the know' ...(i.e. knitty folk!) ...and started on the Prismatic Wrap....

The trouble is I was wrong. Right from the start that yarn kept saying 'Gloves.....I wanna be gloves' .

So I relented............

The trouble with the wrap was that it was going to take up just too much yarn and take forever to knit, so I'm getting a new pair of gloves with enough left over for a scarf. I shall still use the Prismatic Scarf pattern though as I do rather like it.

If I had just listened in the first place I could have saved myself a lot of time!

Happy knitting x

* of course this doesn't just apply to wool :-)

1 comment:

picperfic said...

I think those gloves were the right way to go, love the loopy cuff! Gorgeous yarn too!