Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Down Time....

After 4 weeks of teaching practice half term was a very welcome prospect.  The first couple of days were set aside for catching up on sleep and spinning silk.

What I noticed during those weeks was that all my woolly creativity just dried up.  With little time to spin or knit I plodded along with the leftovers blanket. Knitting a little square here and there was quite comforting, it even accompanied me on a school trip to the Zoo, much to the amusement of the children "Whatcha doin' Miss Browwwwn?".

I noticed that my brain did a nifty re-networking, instead of thinking and planning the creation of knitted lovelies, it was coming up with interesting and exciting ways to learn the difference between 'th' and 'f' (its the only time you can stick your tongue out at a teacher).  Or ingenious ways to rein in 26 children that haven't been out to play all day because its been raining (I'm wanting to say 'put the tele on' but a teacher would never do that...). 

So, half way through half term, with a bit of down time my brain has re-adjusted itself.  And with a good pile of spun silk ready to be knitted thoughts finally turned to the Silk Project that started here. 

The Details:
Some time back I started thinking about a project that would honour myself, something special, and so I decided to start making my Wedding Dress.  The followup to this statement tends to be "Oh when are you getting married?" and I guess the answer will have to be for now "When I've made 'The (My) Dress'.

So, after much thought and pouring over patterns I've gone for a simple top-down seamless design that I know and love.  Pics of works in progress rarely do it justice so for now all I'll say is it starts with this....

I'm back to school next week and three weeks after that I would have made it through my PGCE.  I can't tell you how much of a relief it will be.  There have been some ups and downs, some highs and some lows but I'm ending with the knowledge it was the right thing to do at the perfect time for me.  I think I was 12 when I decided I wanted to be teacher, who'd have thought it would take 38 years to get there!