I have to say the most intesting lecture so far was by the Maths guy (his name being one of the peices of information my brain wasn't able to retain). He appreciated the Maths of my knitting so much he allowed me to knit through his lecture (top man)!!
Actually it gave me the idea of getting hold of a knitting machine to teach the maths of repeating patterns and sequences, (I wonder if all my lesson ideas will focus on some fibre related activity!?).
So with all the reading, concentrating and thinking I've been doing there seems to be less and less time for those fibre related activities. I am currently on a manic sock making mission as the eldest is off hiking with the school in the lake district (lucky thing!), and if making hand spun hand knitted walking socks in the softest alpaca doesn't say 'I Love You' then nothing will (surely?).
As a bit of light releif though i spent a lovely morning yesterday running a Felt Making workshop. As i have only ever done this with kids I was a little nervous but it went really well and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.

So I'm off to plough through the mounting pile of books and handouts and maybe sneak in a quick bit of spinning whilst 'Processing the Information'.
Have fun all x