Thursday, 25 June 2009

Bunting and a Soltice Surprise.....

So it would appear that my blogging activites have somewhat ground to a halt over the last couple of weeks.

That may be down to my Art therapy course coming to an end so there is less of an impetus to record my creative exploits and partly down to the last couple of weeks being quite difficult. I don't mind sharing the workings of my mind when its churning out happy thoughts, less so when I'm feeling bogged down and a bit miserable (thank goodness I hear you sigh!)

Another reason is that I have been rather busy. Last weekend my sister and husband hosted a country day at their farm. I had a little stall and also did a practice run through for my Larmer Tree Workshop. My stall consisted of little knitted flowers and bags, some patchwork kits and some of the wool I have been spinning from the Icelandic/Shetland haul.

The day was a mixed bag. The workshop was very popular and worked really well and more importantly I have some idea of what to expect when I do it at the festival, but I have come to realise that I am no good at selling. Any potential shoppers would have had to fight their way through a crowd of children and tangled wool to view my wares!

Needless to say I hardly sold a thing and I did feel a little deflated. But on the up side I now have lots a lovely wool spun and ready to knit, and I'm thinking a nice snuggly wrap is in order.

(Queue hours of trawling through Knitty and Ravelry pattern suggestions).
Talking of Ravelry I meet a fellow Raveler the other night at our neighbours Soltice party. I was flabbergasted and nearly fell off my log in surprise. I don't know what was more surprising meeting someone who understands the need to trawl through patterns on the internet or the fact that HE was a nice young MAN!!!

My other 'Good Idea' that I'm working on is Bunting!! (well it is school fete season!)

I picked up a pack of patchwork peices from a recent museum trip. After much thought I decided it was pointless starting another big project so instead I bought some bias binding and I'm just sewing them in line a la Prayer Flag style. Even the girls have had a go (a family effort).

So todays top tip is to pop down your local material shop, get some fabric sample books and make some bunting.
We've got a new camera and it has taken me ALL DAY to figure out how to get two photo's off the camera and onto the comp, which means I have no time to blather on about other wonderful crafty ideas I've had lately.

So until next time, happy sewing x

p.s. I got Hey Teach out the other day and sewed a couple of seams .....

Thursday, 11 June 2009


Oh dear, it happens every year, yet I'm never really prepared.

Yes I'm talking Summer Shut Down.

Post Easter Holidays and I'm fit for nothing except wafting about in floaty skirts and putting butterflies in my hair (clips not real ones....although if I could just catch some......)

I'm ashamed to say that Hey Teach looks like this.............. and I'm not sure where the sleeves are :-(

and the wall hanging looks like this......

Not only that but I've got behind on my Art Therapy work and that only meant writing a journal.
I've also started a scarf and a sock, so not trouble starting stuff ...... a complete block when it comes to completing anything.

Of course there is no cure for this affliction but regular attendance of festivals and hanging out in a cool campervan can alleviate symptoms.
Normal duty should (hopefully) resume in September.
Stay cool now x

Thursday, 4 June 2009

A reminder....

Yes I know, Two posts in one day, crazy isn't it!!

I just wanted to remind you all its Elderflower season (well in the UK!).

So, get out there picking and make some Elderflower cordial or some
Cheerio x

For one week only.....SUN!

Well I don't know if any of you have noticed but someone has put this big bright yellow thing in the sky making it virtually impossible to do anything other than get outside.

We took this what seems like a once a year opportunity to bring our beloved Bessy Van out of hibernation and back on the road. Yes, we are a family of campers and I think we are getting rather good at it now.

We set off on Friday night, down the M4 and 'Over the Bridge', heading for Llanthony in the middle of the Brecon Beacons. We camped in what my girls correctly identified as 'Just a Field', but on closer inspection it turned out to be Just a Field WITH a Rope Swing and that made all the difference. I thought the eldest quite insightful with her comment that its amazing how easy it is to make friends when a rope swing is involved!

We met up with family and did some great walking then packed away for a trip across the mountains heading for the Sea. After a bit of procrastination we ended up at The Gower (along with everyone else from Swansea!). We camped at Port Eynon which is as close to a beach a campsite can get (no rope swing but it did have showers!) and the Girls spent two days in the sea, whilst I got frazzled on the Beach. I cleverly took a bit of knitting so I didn't mind just sitting and watching them enjoy themselves.

All in all I have to say our first trip of the year was hugely sucessful, so sucessful in fact that we missed a day off school! To make up for it I did bang on a bit about diversity of marine life, rock formations and the importance of sand dunes, (not that anyone took much notice).

You may have noticed the lack of photographic evidence of this trip. In our haste to get away we forgot the camera so once again I shall fob you off with some shots of wool.

On our return I dropped off the thank you socks which were so well received I was invited to help myself to another sack of wool, yippee!

Sadly the dratted house fairies have messed up the house AGAIN and left loads of washing so I shall have to get on with that before I can tackle this............

Have fun in the sun (while its here!)

Ta Ta x